휴면계좌 복구 Dormant account recovery

Search dormant account
Today, I will introduce you to the integrated inquiry method for dormant accounts. If you forget about it and collect the money in the dormant account you created in the past, you may collect more money than you think. It is said that the entire nation’s dormant financial assets exceed 1 trillion won. Check it out in detail.


dormant account
Integrated inquiry of dormant accounts
How to recover a dormant account 휴면계좌 복구

휴면계좌 복구


dormant account 좋은뉴스

What is a dormant account
What is a dormant account
A dormant account is an account that exists in an uncollected state that is held through a company or post office, as well as deposits in various financial banks.

What is dormant deposit
What is dormant deposit
As explained above, it refers to deposits that have not been recovered over 5 years in the case of bank deposits and 10 years in the case of post office deposits. In other words, an account that has been dormant for a long period of time without trading.

What is dormant money
What is dormant money
Dormant account information is announced on the site as being provided from January 1, 2003 onwards.

Date of provision of dormant account information
Date of provision of dormant account information
Integrated inquiry of dormant accounts
Using the integrated inquiry system for dormant accounts, you can view all kinds of dormant deposits and trust accounts in all banks. First, if you go to the link below, you can directly access the dormant account integrated inquiry system.

▼Go to the integrated inquiry of dormant accounts▼

National Federation of Banks / Integrated inquiry system for dormant accounts


After accessing the site, if you refer to the information below, you can enter the dormant account inquiry. If you enter your resident registration number and name here and click the public certification inquiry button, you can verify your identity with a public certificate.

Dormant account inquiry
Dormant account inquiry
Please note that you can only view here. In the dormant account integrated inquiry system, the dormant amount in all bank accounts in my name comes out, and the balance cannot be transferred or canceled.

Dormant Account Inquiry Guide
Dormant Account Inquiry Guide
The simple summary of the dormant account integrated inquiry method is as follows.

Diagram of integrated inquiry of dormant accounts
Diagram of integrated inquiry of dormant accounts
Account information integrated management service
There is a way to search not only dormant accounts but also all of my accounts spread here and there. In addition to dormant accounts that have not been traded for more than 5 years, other accounts that do not fall under dormant accounts can be collectively searched. The method can be found on the PayInfo (www.payinfo.or.kr) site. You can rest assured that this is an official site operated by Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute.

▼Go to the official website of integrated account management service▼

Account information integrated management service


When you access the site, you will see a screen like the one below. Click the Account Integration Inquiry button here and click Agree to the information on the next screen.

Account information integrated management service
Account information integrated management service
On the next screen, if you log in through the certificate login, you can view information about your accounts at a glance. The convenience of the integrated account information management service is that you can request balance as well as account inquiry.

Finding hidden government subsidies

Searching for hidden government subsidies There are several government subsidy policies provided by the government. However, it’s great if you’re not properly notified about these policies or miss them thinking you’re not the target.

How to recover a dormant account
First of all, it is necessary to visit a branch to recover the account, not only to get the balance of the dormant account back. The need for such proof would be something similar to opening a new bank account.

Required Documents
Required Documents
Document preparation
Gathering papers
Application form for payment (available at banks)
Documents proving the purpose of opening a bank account (certificate of employment, pay stub, utility bill receipt, etc.)
Each bank may be slightly different. If the account is restored without additional supporting documents, it takes a limit of 300,000 won for non-face-to-face deposits and 1 million won for window transactions at banks.


Don’t ignore change and take good care of the sleeping money. In addition to this, I would appreciate it if you could refer to other articles on the blog regarding national tax inquiries and government subsidies.