우체국 인터넷뱅킹 Post office internet banking

hello today Let’s take a look at the link to the Post Office Internet Banking website. Korea Post, the post office In addition to postal and courier services, we also provide financial services such as deposits. ※ The following information source – Post Office Finance website (www.epostbank.go.kr) The information we are going to share with … Read more

당근마켓 동네인증 Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

More about carrot market neighborhood authentication method and other regions Today, I would like to learn more about 1) the carrot market neighborhood authentication method and whether it is possible in other regions, and 2) what to do when the neighborhood authentication method fails. As you know, Carrot Market neighborhood authentication allows you to trade … Read more

중도퇴사자 연말정산 Year-end settlement of late retirees

Issuance of year-end settlement withholding tax receipts for those who leave mid-term If an employee leaves the company in the middle of not completing the contracted working period, it is called a mid-term resignation. Year-end settlement means that the wage and salary income tax withheld for one year is settled at the end of the … Read more

농업경영체등록확인서 Agricultural business registration confirmation

I would like to learn how to issue an agricultural business registration confirmation. Agricultural business registration confirmation is one of the essential documents in order to receive various benefits, such as application for farmland pension subscription and confirmation of membership in the Agricultural Cooperative Association. Through today’s post, I hope that you can understand the … Read more