근로복지공단 퇴직연금 조회 Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Corporation Retirement Pension Inquiry

Today, we are going to learn about the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation Retirement Pension website. Let’s look at the necessary information, such as the homepage address and subscription conditions, how to view retirement pension, and the call center number. The retirement pension system of the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Corporation is a system that … Read more

간호 간병 통합서비스 병원 찾기 Nursing Nursing Comprehensive Service Find a Hospital

If a family member is unexpectedly admitted to the hospital, a situation may arise in which a caregiver is needed. It’s really not easy to take responsibility for nursing care in a situation where you have a livelihood. For patients who do not have a guardian who can take care of them, the National Health … Read more

평생교육바우처 신청 Lifelong Education Voucher Application

Lifelong Education Voucher The lifelong education voucher is a voucher for lifelong education provided by the government, and provides KRW 350,000 per person per year to low-income basic livelihood recipients or the next upper class. It is a system that supports participation in learning activities if desired. You can study the courses you want, such … Read more

공무원 정근수당 Civil servants’ regular attendance allowance

Civil servants are paid a differential wage according to the number of years of service. All public servants with more than one year of service are paid regular attendance allowances in January and July of each year, and the amount of regular attendance allowance varies from 0% to 50% of the monthly salary depending on … Read more