영구임대아파트 신청 Permanent rental apartment application

Permanent rental apartments are public rental housing where low-income households can live permanently with a deposit and rent that are lower than the market price in order to stabilize their housing. Permanent housing occupancy is for non-homeowners, recipients of livelihood and medical benefits, single-parent families, persons of national merit, persons with disabilities, and comfort women. … Read more

간호조무사 보수교육 Continuing education for nursing assistants

1. Refresher training for nursing assistants Nursing assistants must report their qualifications every three years, and for this, they must receive continuing education. This supplementary education is compulsory as a legal education, and medical personnel such as doctors and nurses as well as nursing assistants must complete the same to be able to report their … Read more

전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

You may have heard the name of this document when you get a loan using your home as collateral, when you buy or sell a home, or when you make a global contract. In simple terms, the move-in household reading statement is a document that inquires how many households live at the address. So let’s … Read more