성장판 닫히는 시기 When growth plates close lar bone. **How do

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Have you ever wondered what happens when **growth plates close** in the body? Read on to learn everything you need to know about this important process that occurs during adolescence.

**What are growth plates?**

Growth plates are areas of cartilage at the ends of long bones in children and teenagers. They are responsible for bone growth and lengthening during puberty.

**When do growth plates close?**

Typically, growth plates close around the age of 16 for girls and 18 for boys. Once they close, no more bone growth is possible in that particular bone.

**How do growth plates close?**

As children grow older, growth plates ossify and turn into solid bone. This process is known as epiphyseal closure, signaling the end of bone growth.

**What happens if growth plates close too early or too late?**

Early closure of growth plates can result in shorter stature, while late closure may lead to taller height than anticipated. It is important to monitor children’s growth as they develop.

**Can growth plates be affected by injury or illness?**

Yes, trauma, infection, or certain medical conditions can impact growth plates and lead to abnormal bone growth. It is crucial to seek medical attention if any issues arise.

**How can you support healthy growth plate development?**

A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, regular exercise, and visits to the doctor for check-ups can help support proper growth plate development in children and teenagers.

**In conclusion, understanding when growth plates close is essential for monitoring children’s growth and development. By being aware of this process and taking steps to support healthy growth plate development, parents and caregivers can help ensure that children reach their full height potential.**


1. **At what age do growth plates typically close?**
– Growth plates typically close around age 16 for girls and age 18 for boys.

2. **Can injuries affect growth plate closure?**
– Yes, injuries and certain medical conditions can impact growth plate development and closure.

3. **How can I support my child’s growth plate development?**
– A balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine check-ups with a doctor can help support healthy growth plate development.

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