건강기능식품 교육 Health functional food education

For health functional food supplementary training conducted by the Korea Health Functional Food Association, companies that have received a health functional food sales business report must complete safety hygiene supplementary training every year by December 31 at the end of the year. 2 hours of training for distribution-specialized sales, 6 hours for quality managers, and 2 hours for general sales, and training can also be completed on the online homepage.

Health functional food refresher education website (edu.khsa.or.kr)
Health functional food refresher education
You can apply for new and continuing health functional food training on the Health Functional Food Education Center website (edu.khsa.or.kr). 건강기능식품 교육

건강기능식품 교육

[Health Functional Food Education Center] 좋은뉴스

Health functional food refresher education
This is a health functional food education center site.

You can take training to report sales of health functional food, training for existing business owners, new business training for imported food safety management, and supplementary training.

It is an association created for the sound development of the health functional industry through the enforcement of the Health Functional Food Act, and is conducting education for consumer protection on health functional food.

Food hygiene education online education website (foodedu.kr)

Health functional food refresher education
There are three types of supplementary education: distribution sales, general sales, and quality control.

If both distribution-specialized sales business and general sales business are registered for business at the same sales office, only one of them can receive supplementary training.

If you report your business in 2022, you can receive supplementary training in 2023, and if you report your business in 2021, you can take supplementary training from 2022.

Continuing education is usually required from mid-March to December 31 of each year.


Online hygiene training for new general restaurant operators (nfoodedu.or.kr)

Health functional food refresher education
New health functional food training is also available.

There is training for distribution-specialized sales, specialized manufacturing, quality control, venture manufacturing, and general sales.


If you sell health functional food as a finished product, you must complete general sales training, and if you sell in OEM format, you must complete appropriate training such as distribution specialized sales training.

Health functional food refresher education
To apply for supplementary education, click [Course Registration] on the supplementary education page, and then check the curriculum and payment information again.

If all is well, go to step 2.

What is the salary, qualifications, work, and employment prospects of visiting nursing assistants?

Health functional food refresher education
Enter your business office and personal information through My License Number Search.

In the case of proxy training, write the reason for proxy training, the name of the representative, date of birth, and business office.

Check the certificate of completion and click the Confirm Certificate of Completion button to confirm.

Health functional food refresher education
Check if the information displayed on the certificate of completion and my business information are correct.


After checking the certificate of completion, check the training information again, and click Request Payment and Payment to complete the payment to complete the training.


Health functional food refresher education
Refresher training is complete when you complete all selected online training videos.

If you do not complete the training, you will be fined 200,000 won for the 1st violation, 400,000 won for the 2nd violation, and 600,000 won for the 3rd violation according to the Health Functional Food Act.